Does God exists ?

          It can be blindly said that God is the most famous english word that is used by majority of people from all around the globe regardless of their nation, ethnicity, religion.

How come something that is not proved scientifically became this much relevant topic in this existence?

How come God came into existence among us ?

Think of old days, when humans were at jungle among other neighboring animals. The most important commodities for humans might have been water and food, we might not even aware or worried about the quality air around us. The two natural instincts of thirst and hunger might have been the primary concern for survival. Maybe a partner to satisfy our bodily needs as-well, thats it. Then factor of luck, sun, rain, lightning might have surprised humans and start to think of it in superficial manner and concluded in finding God, but my question is, 

is it possible to make these nomads believe in a god and settle down ? 

Who could have done that? 

Even in current days scenarios, it will be hard to convince a bunch of people about something that is a fact, So how could someone make them believe in something superficial like GOD ?

For instance, in an office meeting, it will be really hard to make everyone agree to a same idea without proper reasonings and debates.

Maybe diseases and natural disasters created fear in humans and someone like a priest monkey convinced them God could help us. Still Priest monkey must be much wiser than Sir Issac Newton and Michelangelo to imagine about a God that is not present physically and to attribute various concepts and rules around it and to create a religion, which can convince people and believe in it.

again question

How could a Priest monkey be sure that God could solve the problems and start promoting it ?

In these days even doctors cant be sure about the results of meditations they are giving to their patients of complex diseases and many times been questioned even after getting mild results. For this they are even harmed or blamed by civilized people at rare occasions.

So without any hope or believing in a 50-50 chances how could the priest monkey make others believe in it all together and even create monuments for it and make them give there precious things as tribute.

Maybe, it can be a scam by bunch of people to control others but without any outcomes, how could they survive with the scam ? 

it is supposed to get diminished by the inhuman kingships instead of flourishing. Infact even without any help of modern day communications and information sharing, concept of Gods and religions arise everywhere in a similar way. 

The common thing we can observe is, it created the pathway for people to settle, live peacefully and teach their children about moral values. It reduced local fights and reasoned for famous wars.

Well considering all the above doubts we need to come to a conclusion that , there is something about God, that we can’t explain or proven at will to others anytime and that thing is what makes everyone genuinely believe in a God and stay in that believe.

Don’t judge God by what so called religions and people related to it do in the mainstream these days. In reality God had less role or ownership in what religions are doing today. There are considerable good side for religion like brining good behaviors in people like being kind, helping others, fearing to do bad deeds etc while some are misusing it and getting advantages.

                  Consider an example of smartphones. Smartphone is one of the pioneering invention of this information era which had became its foundation. It can be used as a wonderful gadget to resolve many of human problems , while it can be used to hurt others, hurt ourselves as-well. It’s all in thoughts of one who hold it.

      Most people reject god, because they are not satisfied with what they are born with or happened in their life until now. Everyone had the chance to forget past and start to search for god in nature and travel to find and know about the connections between living beings, once you found connection and get in synchronicity with the nature and universe then you will know about the God or the higher consciousness or higher being. 

Whatever happened had happened and whatever good and bad qualities we are born with are also done. Humans are destroying nature , killing and utilizing poor people and animals, the reason is ourselves and karma will be paid. If you keenly observe such people, you can see how karma attacks such people and they get changed by time. 

          It is a self search practice everyone must do before going after religion or atheism. It must be an independent search and out from distractions like sex, money, shoppings, owning, business, bragging, promotions etc.

Then you could find the answer for the question. It can be found by this way only.

and Yes some higher power or consciousness do exist in this world and even science want to believe it as super coincidence or natural happening’s . It’s up to us to choose, because we had a distinct wonderful consciousness and memory to think and believe comparing to all other animals.

